Terms And Conditions:
By clicking on the 'Accept' button when connecting to a iComEx.com technician, you are electronically agreeing to the following:
You understand and agree to allow full and unrestricted access to your computer and all of the files on the machine. iComEx.com will not copy these files, or make any attempt to transfer them off your machine without your consent.
You understand and agree that general information about your machine (i.e. processor speed, running processes, installed software, operating system, general connection logging information, etc.) will be recorded electronically when we connect to the machine you have authorized us to access.
You understand and agree that you may disconnect the technician at any time by clicking on the red terminate button that will be on the iComEx.com screen during the entire remote session.
You understand and agree that you have backed up any files that are important to you onto a separate machine or other media from which you can restore these files in the event they are erased or damaged during the repair of the machine that you have authorized iComEx.com to access. You are not required to do this backup provided you agree and understand that files on your machine may be permanently lost without the possibility of recovery.
You understand and agree that certain files on the machine you have authorized iComEx.com to connect to may be infected with malicious code, and may need to be erased to prevent the activation or execution of this malicious code. You understand that virus software installed on your machine may take this action with or without the permission of you and / or iComEx.com.
You understand and agree that, in order to keep your costs down, we may require several connections to be made during the course of our repairs to your machine.
In other words, we may disconnect from your machine while utilities or updates are running so we may serve other customers while these utilities are run on your machine. If you have chosen a per-minute repair session, you will not be billed for the time that we are disconnected, and we will not further bill you if you choose not to continue the connection at a later time. In using this strategy, you may see several charges to your credit card; one for each connection that is made to your machine.
You understand and agree that charges to your credit card will not begin during the first minutes of the phone conversation with iComEx.com, but that once you authorize a per-minute service on your machine, and a connection is made, your charges will begin to accrue. You understand that charges to your credit card will be in 1/4 hour intervals. Partial 1/4 hour intervals will be pro-rated up to the nearest minute accordingly.
You understand and agree to pay for per-incident pricing as you have agreed to during the course of your remote repair session. Generally, a remote repair per-incident session will begin with a paid online diagnostics session to determine what is wrong with the computer. At that point, the RepairAndSupport technician may recommend further per-incident or per-minute time periods to resolve your issues. You have the option to accept or reject further repairs, but you agree to pay for all the repairs you opt for.
You understand and agree that the solution to some problems may require the purchase of new or replacement hardware and / or software. iComEx.com only charges for the labor to remotely resolve your issue. You may be required to purchase and install hardware or software to complete the repair. Hardware purchase and installation must be completed within 7 days, or the case will be closed as resolved, and your credit card will be charged for all services rendered.
You understand and agree that remote repairs may and will require a person on your end to work with the technician to resolve your issue. If no such person is made available to the technician for more than 7 days, your case will be closed as resolved, and your credit card will be charged for all services rendered.
You understand and agree that the solution to most problems will require a high speed Internet connection, and that you are required to have and maintain such a connection in order to resolve your situation. If such a connection is not made available to the technician for more than 7 days, your case will be closed as resolved., and your credit card will be charged for all services rendered.
You understand and agree that payment is due in full after services have been rendered, unless a payment plan has been accepted by both parties. If being invoiced for payment, you agree to make payments on time, and will accept a late fee of $55 for each event where a payment is not received by it's due date. In order to enforce payment in full, iComEx.com may install a payment reminder application that will persistently remind you to contact us to settle your account. iComEx.com reserve's the right to determine when services offered have met or exceeded the requirements for payment, and will only remove this application after all payments have been made by the client. If payment is not received after 7 days, your machine may be rendered inoperable until your account has been settled.
You understand and agree to abide by any payment plan you enter into with iComEx.com. You understand and agree to the use of software on your computer to enforce your payment plan. This software will render your computer inoperable when payments are due. It is your responsibility to contact us with your credit card information and submit your payment. on or prior to the payment due date. Once your payments are up to date, full functionality will be restored to your computer. You understand and agree not to tamper with, or have other parties tamper with the payment software we have installed on your machine. You understand that the payment software has sophisticated tamper protection, You understand and agree that any attempt to remove or tamper with the payment software on the computer will render the machine inoperable until all payments are received in full, thus voiding any prior payment plan.
You understand and agree that, for your convenience, iComEx.com will install a shortcut on your computer so you can easily access our website. This shortcut will be removed from your machine without charge at any point in time, provided you account is in good standing. If you do not request removal, it will be left on your machine for future use.